Mooradian Studio takes pride in crafting beautiful details and experimenting with materials. Our mission is to create buildings that unlock new ways of living in harmony with the natural world.

Through personalised briefing processes, we help a range of private, retail and hospitality clients, cultural institutions and local authorities, construct their own visions for how to live and operate today. Many of our clients come to us from arts and culture backgrounds and we have a great deal of experience working collaboratively with artists and designers from other fields. We also carry out briefing studies for international private clients interested in legacy projects that require fundraising, helping them to construct a vision and strategy that brings other stakeholders on board with their goals; this work has taken us as far afield as Tamil Nadu, Armenia and the Caribbean.

Using the research carried out by our sister organisation, Building Ways, the studio has a focus on the innovative use of low-carbon and locally-sourced materials. Every project considers where materials are sourced, how they are processed and assembled, and how they will be inherited by future generations. We treat each design object as part of a local, historical and environmental continuum.

Aram Mooradian (b.1987, Amsterdam) grew up in the UK to Dutch and Armenian parents. He had an interest in architecture from an early age and interned for Richard Rogers when he was a teenager. It was Rogers who told Aram about the Architectural Association. After graduating top of his class at the AA in 2011, Aram worked on a number of award-winning high-end arts and heritage projects including the Juergen Teller Studio, which was shortlisted for the RIBA Stirling Prize in 2017.

In 2018, Aram was approached to design a maternity clinic using only locally sourced materials and labour. The project gave birth to Mooradian Studio and inspired a set of design principles centred around the reuse of materials. These Nine Principles of Sustainable Construction are detailed on the Building Ways website.

This gentle building philosophy was explored in Aram’s teaching at the University of Cambridge between 2015 and 2022, where he remains a Bye-Fellow of Downing College. Aram taught for four years at the Architectural Association in London, where his students carried out experiments with a range of novel construction materials including paper, seaweed, pine needles and calcium carbonate from waste clam shells.

Themes of identity, time, lifecycle and geometry emerged from teaching, evolved in practice, and are evident in the built work of Mooradian Studio today. The ambition of the practice is to create buildings that make links to contemporary forms of craft and ethical construction.

Photo by Max Creasy




Hilla Laufer
Arsène Lechat
Laurence Lumley
Dustin May
Aram Mooradian



We are not currently hiring, however, we always welcome CV’s from those interested in joining our small team in Hackney. Contact us to find out more information.



Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden
Museum of the Home
The British Council
Foundation for Future London
Hackney Council
The London School of Architecture
The Finnish Institute in London
Victoria & Albert Museum
Department of Culture & Tourism, Abu Dhabi
Manarat Al Saadiyat, Abu Dhabi
Thomas Adank
The Gentle Birth Method
Price & Myers
Wolfe Hall
Bodney Road Studios
Alexandra Savtchenko-Belskaia
Studio Onni Aho
Lars Wagner Bespoke Furniture
Freddie Phillipson
Marysia Lewandowska

Mooradian Studio
Unit 2
Bodney Road Studios
1 Bodney Road
London E8 1AY


Building Ways was established in 2021 to promote sustainable building habits in society. The programme carries out educational projects about the circular economy with young people, local communities and businesses. In 2023, Building Ways worked with the London School of Architecture to develop the first secondary school qualification in architecture (EPQ) in the UK, and is currently launching a summer school on preservation and circular construction in rural Armenia. Building Ways has received funding from the Foundation for Future London, The London Borough of Hackney and the British Council.

Visit the Building Ways website here

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